
Stations Non-broadcaster Bureaux

Bureau Registration

If a bureau wishes to supply bureau services using RAJAR data it must be registered and licenced with RAJAR. On completing the registration process, bureaux can only supply data services using RAJAR data if their client is also a RAJAR subscriber either through having a station or non-broadcaster subscription (see Bureau Provision of Services).

To become licenced you need to complete a Bureau Registration form, have paid a licence fee and returned a signed copy of our Bureau Licence Agreement.

If you have any specific questions please email us or phone 020 7395 0630.

Bureau Provision of Services

A bureau is only licenced to provide data services using RAJAR data to clients who are also RAJAR subscribers.

The bureau has an obligation to check with RAJAR before supplying such services. If data is supplied to an unregistered client, the bureau will be liable for paying the client’s annual subscription and is deemed as being in breach of its Bureau Licence Agreement.

In the event of an approach by an unregistered client requiring a single data request, bureaux are obliged to discuss this with RAJAR.

Bureau Registration Options

There are three levels of data available:

Respondent Level Data

Respondent Level Data comes in Ascii format and consists of a series of records for each diary respondent. This allows full flexibility for analysis and is accompanied by weights and area definitions allowing processing before generating usable information.

Please note that there will be a separate fee payable to Ipsos for the production of the Respondent Level Data file. This fee is £2,389.00 (ex VAT) for the data relating to the current subscription year, and £1,054.00 (ex VAT) for any back data.

Aggregate Level Data

Aggregate Level Data comes in csv format. Data is analysed and pre-formatted in tables showing various breakdowns in detail such as individual station listening by demographic profiles and quarter hour time segments.

Please note that there will be a separate fee payable to Ipsos for the production of the Aggregate Level Data file. This fee is £1,941.00 (ex VAT) for data of the current subscription year.

Postcode Level Data

Postcode Level Data comes in Excel format.

A definition of each station’s TSA by postcode is listed. The population of each postcode making up the TSA is also provided. This data gives a full breakdown of the TSA geography and offers a population profile by location.

To access Postcode Level Data, you need to either be an existing RAJAR station or non-broadcaster subscriber. If you are not an existing RAJAR subscriber you will need to pay a set-up fee as well as taking out the relevant Postcode Level Data subscription.

Please note that there will be a separate fee payable to Ipsos for the production of the Postcode Level Data file. This fee is £1,648.00 (ex VAT) per annum.

Subscription Process

To register with RAJAR for the first time, or to renew your registration, please complete the registration form and return it to us.

The subscription year runs from May to April. You can subscribe at any point during the year, however, no discount is given for bureaux which join after the start of the subscription year (1st May).

If this is your first registration with RAJAR: on receipt of your bureau registration form a Bureau Licence Agreement will be issued. Please sign the Licence Agreement and return a copy of it to RAJAR.

How to pay

Once RAJAR has received your registration form a VAT invoice will be issued. The fee can be paid by cheque or bank transfer. Ipsos will invoice you directly.

Your registration cannot be processed without the completed Bureau Registration form, signed Licence Agreement and payment.

Terms and Conditions

Please refer to the Bureau Licence Agreement.

Reporting Dates

See the release dates.

Publication Code

Subscribers shall comply with the Publication Code which covers the use and publication of RAJAR data.


For more information see the About RAJAR area of our website. You can also email us or phone 020 7395 0630 with any specific questions